- Blog: rezdm.livejournal.com
- My cv (in English): txt file, feel free to read

- My diploma marks, front, back
- My diploma marks, front, front
- Scan of my diploma
- My graduate paper, text, annotationas, pics,...
- Reference letter 1
- Reference letter 2
- Scan of ceriticate from Tekmetrics (Unix certified programmer) I've gost also "Cerified C programmer". I've got them in 1998
- My article in RS-Club magazine, Magazine of R-Style Softlab
- ...photos and here... (local gallery)
- ...photos are here... (link to club.foto.ru site)
- Some old lections, Старые лекции, актуально для ФПМ МГИЭМ
- My friends pages, located at this site